Tips for Taking a Great Profile Photo
A good profile photo can help careseekers notice your profile. Here are some easy tips to getting a great profile photo.
Smile! Having a big smile will help you look warm and inviting.
Good lighting. Natural light is best, but you can still find good artificial lighting. The trick with artificial lighting is to make sure there aren’t any weird shadows on your face, which can happen if your light is mostly coming from one source.
Center yourself in the photo. You should aim for your face to be taking up 2/3 of the photo.
Wear what you’d wear to a booking. This will set realistic expectations for when they meet you.
Don’t use heavy filters.
Imagine how you’d want the careseeker to see you during your first booking. With a good profile photo, they’ll be able to easily recognize and remember you.
If you ever need to update your profile photo, send the new photo you’d like to use to