What is a Care Profile?

In order to submit a booking request, you have to attach a Care Profile.

A Care Profile tells caregivers about the person they will be caring for. Sometimes this is the person who made the account, but often times the account holder is booking care for a loved one.

The Care Profile tells the caregiver essential information, including age, location, and the care needs of the person requiring care so that the caregiver can provide adequate care.

For example:

Valerie is looking for care for her father, Ivan. Valerie makes an account on alto under her name with all of her own information. Once registered, she creates a Care Profile for her father Ivan. In the Care Profile, she provides information about Ivan: his age, his location, and a description of his care needs. When she submits a booking request, she attaches Ivan’s Care Profile.

Sometimes, the care needed may be out of the caregiver’s scope of abilities. Care Profiles also help the caregiver make an informed decision on whether or not they will be able to meet your expectations.

If you use alto to find care for more than one person, such as a young child and an aging parent, you can create more than one care profile. Just remember to attach the correct Care Profile when making the booking.


What to Expect at Your First Booking