How does availability work?
One of the best parts about Alto is that you can change your schedule at any time.
When you set your schedule on Alto, you’re letting your clients know when clients will be able to send you booking requests based on your availability.
To do so, log in to your account and visit the Availability tab. From there you can set your availability.
Select a day you are available. Then, select the hours you are available that day. You can always change this later, so it’s best to open it up as much as you can and adjust as needed. If your availability isn’t open, and you forget to change it, you won’t be able to get any bookings.
2. Repeat the process with every day of the week.
3. Set your Time Off. If there is one Monday you can’t work, or you have an appointment on a day you are available, you can use Time Off to remove specific dates & times from your availability.
4. Update it. It’s incredibly important to keep your availability up to date. You won’t be punished for changing it, but it can make a negative impression on the client if they send you a booking request and you reject it because you failed to update your availability. You could also miss out on opportunities to work if you forget to mark yourself as available.
Note: If you update your availability and your new availability conflicts with a booking, you will have to reject or cancel the booking before you can update your schedule. Review our cancellation policy here.
If you run into any problems or have any questions, don’t be afraid to reach out. We’re here to help.